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About Us
Established in 2015 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, The Nine Training Center is a specialized institution with the objective of delivering high-quality training experiences at local and regional levels.
We’re humbled to be training with such a great variety of students that range from graduates to employees.
“I thank The Nine’s trainers and directors for the high educational standards and motivational spirit in the institute’s atmosphere. After getting a job I got promoted in a short period of time and willing for more.“
— Mohamed Sabri

Mohamed Sabri
“I will not hesitate to participate again, and I thank the Nine Training Center and the trainer. We enjoyed the training very much.
طبعا أنا استمتعت في هذه الدورة وشكراً للمدرب وللجهات المانحة التي أعطتنا الفرصة للمشاركة في معهد ذا ناين لتطوير أنفسنا وإذا كانت هنالك فرصة ثانية إني أشارك مرة ثانية فلن أتردد لأننا تعلمنا أشياء كثيرة.”

“I trained at The Nine which provided me with many courses and prepared us for the work culture to deal with customers and what to do during emergencies, and I improved my English. The training was fun and a mixture between practical and theory with many field trips and practice
تدربت في معهد ذا ناين الذي قدم لنا عدة دورات وهيئونا لبيئة العمل وطرق التعامل مع الزبائن ومعرفة لغة الجسد الزبون وكيفية التعامل في حالات الطوارئ واستفدت في اللغة الإنجليزية وكان التدريب ممتع وممزوج بين النظري والعملي مع الزيارات الميدانية والتطبيقية.”
—Bayan Yusuf

Bayan Yusuf
“I learned from The Nine Training Center a lot and knew how to deal with different types of customers such as fast customers or customers with special needs, and I learned to treat everyone equally.
استفدت من معهد ذا ناين بشكل كبير في العمل مثلا طرق التعامل مع أنواع الزبائن المختلفة الذين يأتون بمختلف أنواعهم السريع وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة فتعلمت أن أعطيهم الكثير ولا أفرق بين أحد.”
— Yusuf Ahmed

Yusuf Ahmed
“I studied for a month at The Nine Training Center many courses including Customer Service and after completing one month of studies I joined a company in the collection department, and I improved a lot.
درسنا لمدة شهر واحد خدمات الزبائن ومهارات الإنجليزية، وبعد الدراسة لمدة شهر وقعت مع الشركة في قسم الاستلام واستفدت كثيرا مما درسته وتطورت.”
— Hasan Abdul Nabi

Hasan Abdul Nabi
“The Course gave me good English skills in the Scientific sector and gaining practical skills, for example, working in a supportive team in terms of learning and more.“
— Mohammed Alsaffar

Mohammed Alsaffar
“The training course helped me practically and scientifically and it improved my personality more.“
—Fawzeya Saleh Al Samahiji

Fawzeya Saleh Al Samahiji
“It was a good experience and extremely useful and the facilities were good.“
—Abeer Ibrahim